Monday, May 14, 2012


So I fell asleep on the couch today and I had a really weird dream...

I was in Ricks class and for some reason it was 6th period instead of the normal 4th period. We were watching a video on astronomy stuff of something and Brian was standing behind me. As the video went on, I got sleepier and sleepier and I somehow fell asleep or something while leaning backwards against something warm and comfortable. I assumed it was Brian, I think... And then I woke up and I turned around and realized it was actually MICHEL!! Brian started laughing at me in his quirky way and then Michel tried to run away cuz he thought I was mad. But I just pulled on his shirt and had him come back to me and then I asked him why he was here and not in PE (but he actually has history last period) and he replied saying that class had ended early for him so he decided to visit me. Apparently I was starting to fall off leaning backwards so he quickly stood behind me and let me lean on him while I slept. So cute! I blushed and then I leaned backwards again and fell back asleep on him while he hugged me from behind.

Then I woke up for real. Best dream ever! Apart from that one dream I had about me and Greyson Chance LOL. I wish this would happen for real though... It'd be so awesome.

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