I'm back. My room looks so different now; I love it! Of course, it doesn't look anything like I originally imagined it to look like, but then again everything that I imagine tends to be a little bit blown out of proportion. My room right now is a nice, sensible average teenage girl's room.
Anywhoo, on another matter, my mom can be really weird. Like, really weird. And annoying too sometimes. But then again, practically every teenager feels like this. Deep down inside we all love our parents, even though we're unwilling to admit it.
Oh and David's new album came out! It's absolutely AWESOME. I love it so much! There are ten tracks on the album (which is called BEGIN.) and 9 of them are covers, one original. The original is called "Broken" and I'm actually listening to it right now (:
Toodles for today :P
hai im emily. wait no scratch that. im juliet looking for my romeo and a new pair of converse (': i was in love, but that was yesterday. i want to live my life, not just survive. but, it's hard to grow up in a world where you never feel like you're good enough. silence can be a girl's loudest cry. i think that in the end, we're all a little bit fucked up sometimes. anyways, this is my blog where i post my true feelings and all that actual shit. here, im real. and there's no stopping me.
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