Monday, February 27, 2012

So You See...

There's this guy that I really like. Actually, there's 2 guys. But they always say that if you're in love with two people, pick the second one. Because, if you truly loved the first person, you wouldn't have noticed the second. I think those are very wise words. :*

Anyways, so one guy, I've liked for a while now. But we usually only talk at school, and the conversation can get awkward fast. Like, 20 minutes fast. And he's so much smarter than me, too. That kind of makes me feel stupid compared to him.

The other guy, I just started liking... around my birthday actually (February 14th). Yes, yes I'm born on Valentine's Day, I know. It's not that big of a deal. Anyways, we chat on Gmail, we text, we Skype. We talk a lot about random things. The conversation never gets awkward or anything. And plus, he's not super smart either - so I don't feel dumb or anything LOL.

Who to choose?

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