Monday, December 5, 2011


I had this dream this one night, where I was being beat up. I was being kicked and punched and clawed at by these mean, popular girls... I can't exactly remember who, but I do remember that I never did anything to ever provoke them into doing something like this to me. The whole time I was being beat up, I was also being called horrible, horrible names.

Lots of people started to surround us. One group was standing off to the side... I recognized them as my so-called "friends". They didn't do anything to help me. They just left me there, all alone, hurting in pain.

I was sent to the nurse's office, but she didn't do anything but say, "You're fine. Stop complaining and go back to class." So I went back to class and had to endure 3 more hours of nonstop aching all over my body...

When I got home from school, I showed my mom all the cuts and bruises that I had and all she said was, "You should be more careful. Stop tripping. I don't want to end up paying hospital bills for you." I ran to my room and started crying hard into my pillow. Nobody loved me or cared about me. And that is where my nightmare ended. I woke up with sweat streaming down my back and tears flowing down my face.

Even though this was just a dream, it felt so real. I'd hate to be any other person who's being bullied. I wish I could put a stop to it. I'm definitely trying. Whenever someone's feeling down or unhappy about themselves, I always hug them and try to cheer them up. Putting a smile on someone's face after they were just crying makes me happy because I'm doing some good for the world. Also, I support an organization called "Operation Purple Sky". Purple Sky is a song that Greyson Chance wrote about bullying... listen to it here:

and here is him commenting on it on the Ellen show:

I think Operation Purple Sky is a great organization. They help people who are being bullied... if you want to find out more, here is their twitter:!/YoureAPurpleSky and here is their facebook:

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